Review DDMC 2016


Loughborough Design School, Loughborough University, England

Dr. Richard Bibb

»The Design Process and how this is Changed by AM«

Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Germany

Prof. Dr. Boris N. Chichkov

»Additive Laser Nanofabrication and 3D Printing«

MTU Aero Engines AG, Senior Manager Rapid Technologies (TAFG)

Dr. Karl-Heinz Dusel

»Additive Manufacturing of Aero Engine Parts – Process Chain Optimisation and Quality Assurance«

Aerosud, South Africa

Wouter Gerber

»Systematic Implementation of AM Technologies in Aerosud Aviation«

University of Bremen, Germany

Prof. Dr. Lambert Grosskopf

»From Homo Computerus to Homo Fabber«

Competence Center for Lightweight Construction, EDAG Engineering, Germany

Dr. Hillebrecht

»Additive Manufacturing in the Automobile of the Future: Evolutionary and Revolutionary Innovation Paths«